Athol Mini Game Con: Party Games

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Event Details

We'll be playing party games in the Teen Space from 1 - 2pm and 2:30pm - 4pm
Stop by to play Cards Against Humanity: Family Edition, What Do You Meme: family Edition, Super Fight, Headbands, and more. Open to players ages 10 and up.  
No registration required. 

Local Dungeon Master and game enthusiast Joe McNamara is teaming up with the Athol Public Library to bring a brand-new event to the library. During the two-day Mini Game Con guests will be invited to try out popular card games, board games, and party games. 

Volunteers will be on hand to teach players how to join in the fun. Guests can also sign up to join one of the mini Dungeons & Dragons campaigns running during the events. 

With a variety of games and activities to enjoy kids, teens, and adults can all find something to enjoy. 

Open to all ages. - Free - Beginners welcome. Games will be rated for ages 8+.