MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Public Informational Meeting - Thousand Acre Reservoir Dam Removalsand Acre Reservoir Dam Removal

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Purpose of Meeting

MassWildlife is inviting the public to an informational meeting to discuss the proposed Thousand Acre Reservoir Dam Removal project in the Millers River Wildlife Management Area.  The Project Team will be available to answer questions and to seek input on the project.

Project Summary

Thousand Acre Reservoir Dam is a 24-foot high, 190-foot long earthen embankment dam with a primary and an auxiliary concrete spillway in Athol, MA. The dam is situated within the 2,288-acre Millers River Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The dam was constructed in 1911 and rehabilitated in 1939. The dam’s original purpose was to create a drinking water reservoir for the Town of Athol; however, the reservoir is no longer used as a water source. The impoundment volume is approximately 14 acre-feet of water. Thousand Acre Reservoir Dam is not a large dam and does not pose significant risk to downstream areas; however, its poor condition must be addressed. The proposed project will remove the full vertical extent of the dam and will restore the area to resemble conditions prior to the dam being built. New river and wetlands habitat will be created and Thousand Acre Brook will once again flow without obstruction.


More information about the project can be found on the project website. Please contact Todd Olanyk with questions or requests for accommodations.